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Ally Behavioral Health
In-Home Community Supports

Kids in Preschool

Ally is pleased to now offer home based support services.  These services are funded by most insurances and offer a comprehensive support model in the comfort of your own home.  

In-Home Behavioral Services (IHBS)

Quality Time

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Services

Tablet Learning

Utilizing an interactive family approach, IHBS encompasses a variety of caregiver supports and assistance to both reduce problematic behaviors the home, and to facilitate and strengthen more appropriate behavior among family members.  This may be reducing a child’s inappropriate behavior, and/or creating more appropriate and effective responses a parent can utilize during incidents of challenging behavior. 

ABA Services offer a highly individualized treatment with a direct teaching model to clients and their families. Programs are developed based on the individual's unique interests and strengths and sessions are often incorporated into typically occurring family routines (i.e playtime, ADLs, meal times, etc). In-home sessions are designed to be naturalistic and target client areas of social, communicative, and behavioral needs. 

Please ensure the application is completed in full as incomplete entries cannot be processed.  

Not sure which service may be best? 
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